Mars Shergotitte Amgala 001

Amgala 001 is a beautiful meteorite found in 2022 in Western Sahara. This meteorite is officially classified as a Martian shergottite and is one of only 307 meteorites of this type.

Its physical characteristics include a slightly worn exterior with a brown color and a distinctive bumpy appearance, while the fresh interior is gray-green with dark olivine phenocrysts. This meteorite contains zoned olivine phenocrysts up to 2 mm in length and is composed of prismatic, zoned clinopyroxene and maskelynite needles, along with portions of alkali feldspar, pyrrhotite, ulvöspinel, chromite, ilmenite, baddeleyite, and chlorapatite.

What is most striking about Amgala 001 is the dark black, thin shock veins that were formed by the high pressure and temperatures as the meteorite passed through the atmosphere.

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The pieces displayed in our shop were purchased directly from Mark Lyon, who is listed in the official Meteoritical Bulletin database.

Amgala 001 is clearly one of the most beautiful Martian meteorites and, like other shergottites, is appropriately rare.
Currently we have the following Amgala 001 meteorites.