Allan Hills 84001

Allan Hills 84001 - Ark of Life from Mars?

It is 1984 and a team of meteorite hunters (ANSMET project) finds a meteorite in the hilly terrain called Allan Hills in Antarctica. On closer examination, it turns out to be from Mars. It was ejected into space by a meteorite that hit the surface of Mars 17 million years ago, and its space journey ended when it hit Earth 13 000 years ago. According to an analysis of carbonates found in the meteorite, it probably witnessed flowing water on Mars. But this finding is far from the end of the investigation into this discovery...

After several years of further study, a group of NASA scientists discover structures on the surface of the meteorite that resemble fossils from life forms that live here on Earth, setting off a worldwide sensation - possibly the first evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Allan Hills 84001 immediately made headlines around the world and was even featured on a television broadcast by former US President Bill Clinton.

The announcement of the possible existence of life on Mars raised so many questions that scientists from all over the world became interested in the meteorite even to refute the NASA team's statement. But unfortunately, even in 2023, there are no technologies that would determine with accuracy what the origin of the structures found are. They could be fossils directly from our planet, or, as the various theories suggest, structures created by flowing salt water.

We have no choice but to wait and see if, for example, samples brought directly from Mars will help to unravel this mysterious visitor...